Bank Rakyat SME Islamic financing scheme


An entity under Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism, we are committed to support the mission of the Ministry to consolidate the cooperative sector as the mainstay of economic growth of the nation via all the efforts and steps that we have arranged.

  • Property Financing-i To finance purchase of business premise

  • Bridging Financing-i To part finance purchase of land and development costs

  • Project/Contract Financing-i

  • Working Capital Financing-i

  • Term Financing-i

  • Companies, which are registered with Companies Commission of Malaysia

  • Minimum three years in operation.

  • 20% rebate on stamp duty of financing agreement

  • No early settlement fees

  • 2% profit rebate through SME Syariah Compliant Facilities Scheme (SSFS) by SME Corp*

  • No compounding on unpaid profit

  • No commitment fees for unused amount

  • Protection against rise in financing profit rate through ceiling profit rate (Bank's sale/ akad price)

  • Compulsory rebate (ibra') for early settlement

  • Competitive profit rate

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