Commerze Capital


Commerze Capital Sdn Bhd (“CCSB”) was established in 2007 to provide financial solutions to local businesses. We were granted the approval from Bank Negara Malaysia to operate invoice financing (factoring), leasing and credit building activities. Additionally, CCSB obtained consent from the Ministry of Finance (MOF) for factoring invoices for government projects and we are one of the eP-enabled financiers in the MOF’s e-Perolehan system.

  • Commerze factor-islamic (cf-i): revolving financing for unpaid invoices/credit sales

  • Commerze supply contract financing-islamic (cscf-i): 100% financing for cost of goods

  • Letter of support: financial support letter to secure contracts


All Malaysian businesses registered with Malaysian Companies Commission (SSM) - more than 50% shareholding must be held by Malaysian citizen(s)/permanent resident(s).

  • Sole proprietorship

  • Partnership

  • LLP

  • Sdn Bhd / Bhd

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