Crystal Horse


Crystal Horse Investments is founded in Singapore and is mainly involved in angel investments.

We like to support founders who are passionate about their business ideas, realistic, hardworking, looking for an edge, thinking out of the box and are ethical in their dealings.

Crystal Horse is the official fund manager of Angel's Gate, Asia's first reality TV series with a focus on business and entrepreneurship.

Funding Stage

Our investments are in companies in angel or seed stage. We do also participate in Series A investments.

Sector Focus

We like to invest in the internet, mobile and data space. Companies that leverage technology to scale and founders who understand unit economics, economy of scale and networks.

Geographical Focus

South East Asia. Based in Singapore and Malaysia, we are comfortable leading deals there. Crystal Horse also invests in great teams in other SEA countries where often the deals are led by other prominent venture capitals.

Investment Criteria

Crystal Horse looks for technology companies that can scale in one country and subsequently be able to scale regionally.


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