iGlobe Partners


iGlobe Partners is a premier global venture capital fund manager founded in 1999 in Silicon Valley and headquartered in Singapore today.

With an extensive and global network, the firm has a strong track record of enabling startups to scale game-changing innovations.

Its unique value to portfolio companies is a hands-on approach in helping startups expand to markets beyond their national boundaries.

Funding Stage

Early-growth companies.

Sector Focus

The Future of Citie: PropTech, Mobility, Metaverse, Media, Robotics…

The Future of Money: Digital Banking, Financial Inclusion, Payment, Insurtech, DeFi…

The Future of Bio: Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Food & Agriculture, Materials, Diagnostics…

The Future of Health: Digital Health, Health & Wellness, Lifestyle, Diagnostics & Therapeutics, Precision Medicine…

Geographical Focus

United States, Europe, and Asia.

Investment Criteria

We value genuine partnership and integrity. Our roots lay in our passion for technology and a desire to change the world for the better. Embracing every aspect of diversity, we scour the globe for visionary founders from diverse backgrounds.



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