OWW Capital Partners


OWW Capital Partners ("OWW") formerly known as OCBC, Wearnes & Walden Management was established by OCBC Bank, WBL Corporation and Walden International in 1991. OWW is currently owned by its management team.

Investment Size: US$0.5 to US$10 million.

Funding Stage

All stages with a preference for expansion stage.

Sector Focus

Infocomm technology, logistics, education/training, healthcare, financial services and consumer services sectors.

Geographical Focus

Greater China and South-East Asia.

Investment Criteria

OWW seeks to participate in companies that will capitalise on the growth of service industry in East Asia and in particular, in the sectors of infocomm technology, logistics, education/training, healthcare, financial services and consumer services. OWW also invests in established companies in these sectors that seek to enhance their value proposition by providing outsourcing services.



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