Pix Vine Capital


Pix Vine Capital (PixVC) is a Singapore-based Investment House providing early-stage venture capital to startups aspiring to commercialize innovative solutions in the areas of Info-Tech, Med-Tech and FinTech.

Initial Funding: US$ 250,000 to US $500,000

Follow-on Rounds: Up to US$ 1 Million

Funding Stage

Seed to early-stage ventures.

Sector Focus

Info-Tech: We invest in teams with a ready-to-launch / launched disruptive product with a clear target market.

Med-Tech: We invest in products / technologies that are in advanced stages of development with a clear path to regulatory approval and sales.

FinTech: We invest in technologies that disrupt current financial systems.

Geographical Focus

India, China, Singapore and Southeast Asia.

Investment Criteria

PixVC invests in passionate, street-smart teams that possess technical expertise and build-and-sell capabilities for commercialization. Startups playing in competitive, fast growth markets are expected to have unique solutions and/or a unique business model and customer/market validation. Ultimately, we look for scalable operations with a clear path to exit.

Some of the critical factors that we look for are:

  • Cutting-Edge Technology

  • Possibly Disruptive Technology

  • Crack Team

  • Blue Ocean Market

  • High Scalability

  • Clear Path to Exit



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