VF Capital


VF Capital Sdn Bhd (VF Capital) was incorporated on 26th October 2004. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Priharta Development Sdn Bhd (PHT).

Funding Stage

Primarily invests in companies at their Expansion Stage. May invest in Start-up Stage or Early Stage company only if it believes it has vast growth potential.

Sector Focus

Information and Communication Technology, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology.

Geographical Focus

Asia Pacific region.

Investment Criteria

VF Capital seeks to invest in company that:

  • Offer prospect for high growth and return in shareholder value over 3 - 5 years period.

  • It can maintain effective board representation.

  • Not compete directly with its existing portfolio companies.

  • Key success factors and risks can be clearly identified and understood.

  • Consistent with its corporate values.



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